According to the report, the gunman said nothing, and no motive could be found. Tragedies such as this seem to be happening more and more often throughout the years. Before, an incident such as Columbine seemed like a single anomaly. Now, looking at wikipedia's list of notable school shootings, it seems as if we've had 6 in the past week, not to mention the "deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, the Virginia Tech Massacre. Maybe I just haven't really paid too much attention to news like this before, but that still seems rather high, especially compared to past years.
Gunman at Illinois College
Part of what worries me about this trend (obviously besides the increased danger in colleges and the deaths of the victims) is that they may turn the spotlight to gun control laws. Now, it seems rational that increasing gun control would decrease the violence, but from the statistics I found in past research, restrictive gun control laws don't have a positive if any effect on violence rates. Being a fan of firearms, I'm sure I'm a bit biased, but the evidence I find still supports my opinion. What do you guys think?
On a happier note... Happy Valentines Day!
(Is today a romantic holiday or "a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap") ^^