Thursday, October 18, 2007

Airport Security

So the TSA does tests or trials at airports throughout the country, with investigators trying to sneak bombs through the detection equitment. I was very surprised to learn that at some of the major airports, such as Los Angeles, 60% of the bombs were not found, and the lowest was at San Fransico, where still 20% were not found.
While the TSA says that having these tests continually improve the system, I was still surprised and bothered to hear that so many weapons and bombs can get sneaked past.
Also, the TSA claims that better technology, such as better x-rays, are the solution to this problem, as well as better trained staff, which is accomplished through these random tests.
What do you think about this? Do you still feel safe flying? And do you feel that simply buying better equitment and having random tests are enough? Or do you have any other ideas which would help with airport security?


Derek Lee said...

This is incredibly alarming. Because we live in the 21st century it is inevitable that thousands of people are going to be constantly flying, but to hear as many as 60% of bombs made it past airport security is incredibly scary. Although, people may believe that the current restrictions and security measures are too strict and are superfluous, the truth is that we need even more security. Hopefully they will quickly find a way to improve this ineffective system.

Anonymous said...

It's really not that hard to sneak stuff on board the plane, seriously.

robbie armstrong said...

Those numbers ar pretty scary if you ask me. 60 percent is way to high even the 20 percent to me is very high. i thought that the security was doing better but if we are getting these numbers we need a change quickly. i dont want to see another terrorist attack on our country and these numbers just tell us that we will probably have another one if we dont get our act together.

Kerina Chiu said...

I am also surprised that more than half of the bombs in some of the biggest airports in the US were not found. I think that more money should be spent on guaranteeing our safety at home through better x-rays or better trained staff rather than spending money on the war abroad. Other issues such as pork barrel legislation should be under higher scrutiny in order to allot more money for necessary and urgent issues such as airport security.

Ryan Landis said...

Ok, do the current X-ray machines go "beep beep" if there are explosives that go through or is it up to the workers to see the bombs? Because the average person can not pay attention for such a long time in an attempt to scan bombs that barely ever go through so yes those numbers are way to high and not very assuring, but then again if they only try five or six times and get through once at SF that is better than 5 times. That is a little optimistic I suppose.

Erika Sweitzer said...

It scares me that with this high post 9/11 security, the airports are still missing as much as 60% of the bombs. Going through airport security is inconvenient, but if you think about it, not many people are actually searched. Yes you walk through the X-ray machine, but like Ryan said, how much can you really trust the people working there to catch everything. Half the time they're talking to coworkers or simply not paying attention, so if they're the line of defense between a bomb and the planes, frankly I'm not surprised by these numbers.