Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Deadly Household Items

On the news last night, I saw a segment about a product that Home Depot sells. Or sold. It's a grout sealer, that you spray on tiled floors of walls. By name, "Stand 'n Seal tile grout sealer." The problem is that this household do-it-yourself grout sealer has already killed two people and made many others very, very sick. When you go to spray this chimical onto the floors, some of it rebounds back into your face and can get in your lungs. And these chemicals are far from healthy.
This product was eventually recalled, but two months after, it was still on shelves, and innocent consumers of the product had no idea that this could cost them weeks of living in a hospital. Even though this product was so dangerous, Home Depot still sold it! How can people care so little about others?
So, watch what you buy, okay?


Anonymous said...

Either home depot is evil and is desperate for your money, or maybe the product wasn't recalled at all. Its horrible that the product is so harmful, if you think about, anything can be harmful. There are tons of products out in the market that are much deadlier than Sand 'n Seal tile grout sealer. Its all in how you use it..

Keith Chin said...

A lot of things are dangerous and sold to the public, they just should be labeled properly. Stuff that's about as dangerous is sold, they just come with labels explaining how to use them safely. Home Depot probably kept selling these because information doesn't usually travel instantly. I'm assuming some stores just didn't get the memo, or didn't notice it. That, or Home Depot really is evil.

Ryan Landis said...

Every standardized car comes equipped with seat belts, air bags, bumpers, the whole deal! Now, how many cars are sold daily. I do not see people advocating for the sale of cars to stop, except for environmentalist. So ya, it was a horrible product to sell to the public. So are cigarettes. Not saying that because so many other things are hurtful that more products should be sold that are dangerous, but it is a sad reality that right now technology is not always a great thing.

natalie g said...

It's really hard to control every single item that could possibly do harm to our health. However, home depot should've known better and removed the product from the shelf because it had been recalled. But there are also a lot of other products that could be recalled, but we keep using them so i guess we don't really care.

Kelsey said...

It's horrible that the product is hurting people and i think that here had got to be some sort of governmental regulation against this sort of consumer problem. the government dabbles in everything else, I'm sure this is no exception. As for Homedepot, it is bad PR that they continue to sell a product that can kill people, but lots of other products are harmful and they are sold everyday to i think this isnt that much of a new phenomenon.

Tara C said...

I know this isn't really a new phenomenon, I just think that it's completely disgusting.