Monday, November 26, 2007

A blushing bride in disguise

I thought this was pretty funny. Apparently a group of terrorists tried to drive into Baghdad disguised as a wedding convoy. One of the terrorist was even dressed in a dress and veil to play the part of the blushing bride. You can find the full article at Perhaps the terrorists thought that the guards at the checkpoint would have been more lenient when they saw a newlywed car passing by, or maybe they thought that they would have been given more privacy due to nature of such a sacred union, but to me this seems like such a ridiculous plan. The good news is we managed to catch the insurgents before they reached their destination and managed to carry out any more acts of terror.


Ziva said...

I don't think this story is funny at all. Terrorists disguising themselves as a wedding convoy just shows how desperate terrorists are to carry out their bombings and such. Obviously, if disguised as a wedding convoy, they thought maybe the guards would have been a little lenient, but I’m glad they weren’t. I think it’s scary how terrorists are thinking of more ways of how to enact terrorism. Even something as stupid as pretending to be a wedding convoy could have done a lot of damage. We shouldn’t underestimate what terrorists will do to carry out their terrorism plots. But yes, it’s a good thing that the terrorists were caught before damage could be done.

Anonymous said...

i think that if anything, this is good news. for one thing, this means that the terrorists are getting more and more desperate. they are unable to conduct acts of terror in conventional ways, and are therefore trying new more far-fetched techniques. this means that U.S. forces are having some positive effects in terms of stopping terrorism. the other good thing is that even with this intricate and unusual disguise, the terrorists were still unsuccessful. this could be an indication of success in Iraq, and might indicate that the war may be over sooner than expected.

Anonymous said...

xkrI don't see this as any indication of anything, except that the soliders are capable of at least stopping some terror plots. I think that's its a decent idea by the terrorists, and if was effective, it would have, obviously, been considered a good idea.

Jon Co said...

From this article, I think that terrorists have just become ridiculous in their tactics. Why would anyone ever disgrace the sacredness of marriage by dressing up and trying to kill? It has gotten to the point where terrorists are just plain immoral and they do not respect anybody or anything. They serve to cause people harm and it doesn't even make sense why people would want to harm their own kind... it's sad.

Anonymous said...

When people are terrorists they're already not going to respect much, because they are willing to kill or terrorize others who dont agree with them. I'm surprised that they tried this marriage disguise, but not becuase i thought they would respect marriage.

marc c. said...

I agree with everything Ziva and Greg said. At first, I thought that this news was both bad and scary because it shows how desperate and committed the terrorists are. Seriously, crossdressing as a disguise to carry out terror? That's a new low- even for terrorists. However, Greg brings up some good points; if the terrorists have to resort to these crazy/desperate tactics, maybe their conventional ways aren't successful anymore- which could mean we are actually making progress towards combating terrorism. If that is the case, then hopefully peace throughout the Middle East won't be so improbable or inconceivable. So at the same time, this could be good news.

Derek Lee said...

Although I agree that they are beginning to look desperate, they are starting to discover new technology to carry out their plans. For example, they are starting to research bioterrorism. This is extremely alarming considering that any harmful agent put in our water supply could almost instantly kill millions of people. Once the chemical has gone into our water sources there is no way to clean the water. In some ways bioterrorism may be more scary than any nuclear threat could be.

If you want anymore information about bioterrorism go to: