Monday, November 5, 2007

Nostradamus: Do we listen or ignore him?

On October 28, 2007 the History Channel aired a documentary entitled The Lost Book of Nostradamus. The documentary interviews professors, historians, authors, and Nostradamus scholars about the recent discovery of a manuscript found in a public library in Rome, Italy.
For those of you who don’t know who Nostradamus was and why his work is so important, Nostradamus is “the go to guy for prophecies” as stated by one of the interviewed authors. He was born in 1503 and lived in the south of France. His fame comes late in life at the age of 45, when he first published his work in an almanac, which is like a modern day horoscope. The almanac was translated into languages and even read by royalty. He based his work off of the stars and celestial alignment. He is most famous for his predictions of the Great Fire of 1666 in London, the Atomic bombs, and even the assassination of JFK. As Victor Baines, the President of the Nostradamus Society in America puts it, “no doubt in my mind that Nostradamus was a true prophet”.
What are so interesting in this lost book are the water colors and Quatrains that predict important world events. The most famous prediction made in this book is that of the water color of a tall building engulfed in flames. In a deck of Tarot cards, the “burning tower card” illustrates total ruins and destruction. This water color is also linked to Quatrain I: 87 “Earth shaking fires from the World’s Center rear / Around New City the earth a quiver / Two nobles long shall wage a fruitless war / The nymph of springs pours forth a red river.” Another Quatrain predicts mass conflict based on religious and political opposition. Quatrain VI: 80 “From Fez shall ruler ship to Europe spread / Burning their cities, slashing with the sword. / By land and sea shall Asia’s kingly horde, / Blue-greed, hound Christians till they / drop down dead.” The current conflicts which have roots in opposing religious beliefs, give Nostradamus’s predictions an uncanny possibility.
Nostradamus also predicted three Anti-Christs. The first being Napoleon, the second Hitler, and the third a Muslim man from an Asian country thanks to a water color image. Nostradamus also predicted the end of the world in this recent lost book. The last seven images contain large amounts of symbolism and astrology significance. From the last seven images, it is concluded that Nostradamus predicts the apocalypse to be around 2012, the same year as many other civilizations around the world, such as the Mayan calender. There are other predictions made about the papacy and the Catholic Church, such as the short rule of Pope John Paul I and the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
But with such a great and controversial discovery comes skepticism. Peter Lemesurier, a Nostradamus scholar, says, “I don’t think Nostradamus did any painting at all, I don’t think he was capable of it. Nostradamus was a man of words… [not] a man of images”. Many other historians share this cynical view about the lost book. Studio Crisostom, located in Rome, specializes in the restoration and analysis of antique books. They have taken the tack of proving the authenticity of the lost book. Nostradamus’s son, Cesare, was known for his talent in painting and it is suspected that he drew the water colors instead.
Although the journey and authenticity of the book is uncertain, should we ignore Nostradamus’s predictions? Or should we prove Nostradamus wrong and try and stop whatever disaster lay ahead?
If you want more information visit (for the History Channel homepage) and (for the History Channel's Nostradamus page)


benji said...

So without knowing anything about this, I'm thinking that this discovery sounds suspicious. He predicted all these recent events in a book that was found even more recently? Yeah, like we shouldn't take this with a grain of salt at all. I know he has written down some vague things that can be sort of applied to recent events, but this new manuscript (found in a public library? how'd it get there in the first place? wouldn't someone have to put it there?) should be ignored. It's better to just forget what he said. Creating a self-fufilling prophecy of preventative war would be even worse than ignoring his "predictions," and finding out he was right.

Josephine said...

I agree with Benji. The circumstance under which the book was found seems shady. I don’t think this book can be treated as a credible book with the information we know about it. Furthermore, I don’t believe any of these “prophecies” that Nostradamus. If his works were like a “modern day horoscope” then his predications that match some historical events are simply coincidence. Most horoscopes I’ve read are so broad that they can pertain to practically anything. Although I do admit some lines in the quatrains do eerily represent some historical occurrences, I don’t think reading “stars and celestial alignments” is a reliable source of predictions. There isn’t any scientific evidence that I know of that backs these assertions.

Anonymous said...

Nostradamus didn't explicity predict any events. It's just our interpretation and applying it to stuff that happened. Also, predicting that religion will cause war is like predicting that the sun will rise tommorow.

Anonymous said...

I, too, watched the show about Nostradamus. Seeing Nostradamus' pictures and symbols on T.V. definitely made his predictions seem scarier and more plausible than if I had just read about them. While I don't think that the world is going to end in 2012, or that Osama Bin Laden is the "anti-Christ" (which seems WAY extreme, even if he is a terrorist), I think that it's fascinating that some of Nostradamus' predictions have come true, such as his prediction concerning Hitler. However, its important not too get too carried away with predictions, because the people of the present have the power to alter the future, and thereby disprove predictions.

Anonymous said...

Snake is a transformations symbol... Sometimes it stands for "bad n evil" but this is not true...
When a Snake change its skin, it doesn't die, it survives.
Ophiuco (the 13th zodiacal sign) is a "man with a snake in his hands"...
I think 2012 could be the end, but just a simple end... mankind needs a "skin-changing" to go on ^_^...
Sorry if my english is not "good"... Im italian... and i watched the documentary just now...