Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tonight's Analysis Today

This pretty much sums it up, barring an unforeseen swing (which has happened a few times in this cycle).

It has been a little frustrating to have the goalposts moved so often by the Clinton campaign. 2 weeks ago, if they lost Texas, they were out. Now, not so much. I'm not sure they'll really stay in it if she loses the popular vote in TX, but they have to posture things this way to maximize turnout of their voters. So, we'll see what happens later in the week. The only other contests this month are WY and MS which Obama should win handily.

Clinton supporters, check out the math. If she stays in the race to try to draw 3 aces like this, it will probably help McCain. Just saying.


Anonymous said...

Hillary won both Ohio and Texas, so she still has a chance.

Allen Kim said...

Maybe the Obama momentum is gonee!! eeep! And big wins by Hillary today.

Ryan Landis said...

What is wrong with helping McCain, jk , but do the math and if Clinton wins a couple more delegates and receives enough supers to make Obama not get enough, then she can ride on that to the white house too!