Friday, April 18, 2008

Bill Clinton Starting to Bring Down Hilary Campaign

Recently Bill Clinton has been coming to his wife's defence in attempt to help her image stay clean and fresh. He also has run his mouth off about the Obama campaign. But its not working, its hurting Hilary. Bill Clinton came to his wife's defence about the sniper fire in Bosnia but got all the facts wrong. This made both Clinton's look like liars. I may sound bias but the media agrees. Bill Clinton could have just shut his mouth and let the story pass but he had to make it worse. He later called the Obama campaign a fairy tale and has been trying to tarnish Obama's image for some time. This is unusual because Bill Clinton was, in the public majorities eyes, was a good president. Should Bill just chill and stay out of his wife's campaign? Should Bill really say anything to the media considering he is in the most bias position possible? I think if your not going to stay objective then you should just stay out of it let the advisors handle it.


Derek Lee said...

I think that Bill Clinton defiantly brought more attention to his wife's Bosnia story. He has been taking the Clinton campaign in a downward direction. I think that he should back off a little and perhaps try to stop helping.

Genevieve Lau said...

Lying? That's a pretty big offense. It sucks that Bill Clinton has such a big affect on Hillary's campaign. But honestly, if they're going to work together and decide to lie, they should work it out a little bit more.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theory time: Bill really hates Hillary but is pretending to support her while sabotaging her chances with dumb remarks.

Anonymous said...

Justin is probably right on this one. Bill Clinton is doing nothing to help Hillary even though you would think that he would be one of her biggest assets. The reason that Bill is hurting Hillary's campaign is that he realizes that if she becomes the first woman president, he would have to become the first lady, and i don't think he likes that idea much.

Farrah Ng said...

I really wanted to show this to you guys :)

You know how Hilary Clinton is always trying to use Bill's image when its positive and then saying she has nothing to do with anything bad that happened during his term?

This is quite a comical Youtube video of Hilary Clinton failing to deny it this time around.