Saturday, October 13, 2007

Clinton urges diplomacy with Iran

Hillary Clinton recently said that the Bush administration is making a mistake by cutting off diplomatic contact with the Iran government. She believes that such actions would give the American credibility in the Iran government, and help prevent a possible future blockade of oil to the United States. She also insists that the "the resolution gives an opening to future penalties and 'leverage when we negotiate with them.'"

I think that Clinton is right in this issue. We should try to end the conflicts in the Middle East as soon as possible. We need to bring the troops home and decrease the costly prices for oil. By ending the conflict, the economy would not be in danger of a oil blockade and needless bloodshed would be avoided.


Emma Citrin said...

I agree...I think that by cutting diplomatic contact with Iran, we are just shooting ourselves in the foot. We need to resolve this conflict and we cannot do it unless we are speaking and working towards better terms.

Ryan Landis said...

Both England and France tried to appease Hitler leading up to WW2. They talked with him and nothing worked. During the Cold War with USSR, the president had a phone that was a direct line to what is now Russia. Both of those times negotiating did not get anyone very far. If Bush's attempt to stop diplomacy is based on him trying to put pressure on Iran, that might have been a great move. By not negotiating, he is not allowing Iran to try and boss around the US. If however, he cut diplomacy for another reason, then I guess we should listen to the ex-president's wife.

Anonymous said...

I agree with emma and ziva that we are making a mistake by cutting ourselves off from the Iran government, we already have enough enemies in the middle east, and cutting diplomatic contact with Iran will not help the situation.Its almost like a childish way to deal with the situation...its like we are giving Iran the "silent treatment." But the silent treatment never solves anything, we should be negotiating so that we don't further compromise our relations with them.