The idea of cutting money from groups that seem to need it the most seems ridiculous to me. Education (our school in particular) needs more money, otherwise teachers won't get the money they deserve for teaching and classes won't have the necessary equipment. Welfare and Medi-Cal are services for the poor, and although some might deserve it more than others, it seems irrational to cut money from people that, for the most part, need it, while letting the rich skip out on some of their taxes. In spite of all this, we're still going to have to deal with this problem later. The problem is that no one wants the bad political image of being the one that cuts all the programs in order to get rid of a budget deficit. As a result, we just keep knocking it back for the next group to take care of.
California Budget Deficit
I will actually agree and say our school needs some money. I do not know how many kids in our classes take Spanish, but it seems like a problem when they basically said we are not going to get any handouts anymore! And in regards to cutting programs to fix the deficit, it is almost political suicide because the average person would not understand what Arnold was doing.
I would just like to know how we get in this big of a defecit. After getting my first pay check i was upset to see how part of my money i earned was taken in taxes. Then i was just up in Oregon who has no sales tax yet we have 8.25%
How is it that we have all these taxes on everything thing but still being in a debt. Especially when in 2004 the US state combined where up 50 billion and california has one of the highest taxes out of all the states.
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