Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why I Love the Internet part MCCXIII



Derek Lee said...

The media certainly draws the attention away from the issues and focuses on irrelevent issues. But to them all they see are the dollar signs. They must feel that this type of news is more interesting to watch then what the candidates actually think about policy such as healthcare ect.

Kristina McOmber said...


And I agree with Derek.

Also, I am sick of debates. NO MORE DEBATES!!! Clinton knows that debates are her strength, so she keeps calling them, but seriously, the only thing left to talk about ARE irrelevant issues of which their comments will be distorted, analyzed, and scrutinized.

Genevieve Lau said...

So I consider myself part of that crowd that's turning on him...

I'm glad people are starting to see the light about what this media has turned this election to.

Ziva said...

Yeah, that was really funny. Finally someone is making fun of the media and how they aren't focusing on issues. When I turned on the TV and saw the debate, Clinton was talking about the controversy of way back when and whether she was caught in sniper fire, etc. Then I just walked out of the room. It's really annoying how the media is focusing on the stupid, gossipy rumors and not the issues.

And quite honestly, I'm kind of sick of all this election/debate stuff. The debates just make me think of 2 babies trying to see who can cry louder. Every single day it's a new controversy - will it ever stop? It's getting super annoying...