Saturday, December 1, 2007

More on Hostage Situation

New information has been released about the hostage situatio and I just wanted to clarify what i wrote earlier. It turns out that Eisenberg didn't have a bomb, but a bunch of road flares. Also, police discovered that he had been raped in the past by a priest, and then tried to commit suicide, which is why he was in a psychiatric facility. So, it seems like the whole situation was an overreaction to one man's cry for help.

Clinton, however, got some publicity from the situation, and even met with the hostages.


Nicole S said...

Raped by a priest? Oh, the irony.

Nicole S said...

Oh yeah, and I figured that Clinton would be scoring major points from all this. I'd still like to know which political party the guy was from...

benji said...

Nicole, how is getting raped by a priest ironic? It's just messed up. And I agree with you about how Hillary Clinton is getting postive media attention from all this. Maybe the guy was a regular person who got a chip planted in his brain, read "The Catcher In The Rye," and, through subliminal messaging covertly carried out by Clinton's campaign staff, was forced to start the hostage situation and make up a crazy story that draws on a whole bunch of cliches to explain it. I mean, he could have gone to the current president if he really had a problem with the system. It was like he thought she was the only person who could make a change, which makes Clinton sound like the winner of this election already. I'm pretty sure that at least Edwards and Obama had a headquarters set up in Rochester too. Why'd he go to Clinton's and not theirs? And, probably the most incriminating piece of evidence: Hillary Clinton wasn't in Rochester while this was going on. Coincidence? I think not.