Sunday, February 24, 2008

March 4th?

As Hilary has lost 11 states in a row now, many begin to question, how long will Clinton stay in the race? Analysts from the washington post and abc's 'this week' tv show, beleive it is very possible that Hilary could get out if she loses Texas and Ohio. They say, if Hilary wants to stay in this race, she needs to win these states by atleast 20 or 25 points.

Do you beleive that Hilary should or will get out if she loses in either Texas or Ohio? Or do you think it is likely she'll stay in race until the end?

The Clinton and Obama will have a final debate before the March 4th primaries on Tuesday in Cleveland, Ohio. I'd expect Hilary to come out firing to show the public she is still in the race, despite being on ropes in what seems to be the end of her run.


Ryan Landis said...

I think the only reason Clinton would drop out is if she sincerely wanted a Democrat to win. If she does so, it is almost GUARANTEED that one will win. If she stays in the race and keeps competing, she is not that far behind realistically, then there can be some problems but I really don't think she will drop out. Yes she may have lost 11 straight, but it was not 100% to nothing Obama, so she still has those voters!

Noelle said...

I don't think Hilary will drop out because the Democratic race is still relatively unpredictable and close-matched. I think that the Democrat's largest problem will be that because these primaries were so heated and people took such clear sides that because it is so close, it will be hard to have a united enough party in order to win the general elections.