Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hillary has never been called a.....

A follow-up on my last post, and thanks to Wilson's suggestions, this is yet another semi-controversial, race-related statement made by Barack Obama's pastor at his church. Pastor Jeremiah Wright doesn't bring up the fact that Obama might be a good leader because of his beliefs or experience, he only talks about the skin color and race of the two democratic candidates. He states that Barack Obama knows what it is like to feel suppressed in a white man's world, and that Hillary Clinton has never been asked if she was white enough. Many of the major news networks have been seeing this as a controversy based on race, but I see this as a controversy of why is this even an issue? Yes, he made some slightly extreme statements, but is it really true that since Barack Obama is a black man living in America he will make a better leader?


benji said...

at least he didn't call Hillary a "rich white man" too. that counts for something, right? He's at least little competent. but what the heck is going on at 1:36? are those guys real? he also gets points for the hypocrisy at 2:40ish.

Anonymous said...

I believe Jesus wasnt black

benji said...

I don't know for sure, so i didn't want to call him on it.

Kerina Chiu said...

I think religion is a very controversial issue. However, being that it is in the Constitution and also in the minds of many Americans, I believe it is a crucial topic for the American people to consider. While I believe Obama's pastor should not be the center of attention because he is simply stating his own opinion about society, he proves a point that many citizens expect the next president to fulfill a specific stereotypical character. Obviously, this will be one issue that Democrats will have to conquer.