Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sniper Fire

So the other day on the news, I heard about how Hillary Clinton "accidentally" recounted an event wrong. She said that when she went to visit Bosnia with her daughter several years ago, they were shot at and had to run for cover. But the video footage that was filmed that day doesn't show anything of that kind. Hillary and Chelsea were all smiles as they exited the plane and walked off with absolutely no bullets whizzing past their heads. When Clinton was confronted with this evidence, she said that "So I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I'm human, which you know, for some people, is a revelation."
Personally, I think that a person would remember being shot at. An experience like that isn't easily forgotten. So that makes me think: was this "mistake" all a publicity stunt for voters to have their "revelations" and vote for her or did she really make a mistake? What do you guys think?


natalie g said...

I think that sounds like a really lame method of attracting attention to herself. How can she brush off her "mistake" like it was nothing? She is creating more bad publicity for herself, and providing proof that she is scheming for more attention. I think she needs to be more careful with her words.

Kelsey said...

I totally agree with Natalie, it's a stupid way for her to attract attention and i think that it was a bad move for her. She cannot just brush off this mistake without repracutions. by not being careful with her words, she has ceated more bad publicity for herself. uh oh!

Keith Chin said...

There's no way anyone could forget whether they were shot at or not. It really doesn't help show that she's "human", because anyone would be able to tell you whether they had been shot at or not. This is nothing more than a huge lie that she's trying to cover up.

Anonymous said...

As much as I dislike Clinton, I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for her. It seems to just be one bad thing after another; it's like a downward spiral for her. I think the best thing for her to do is to just drop out of the race. It's obviously having bad psychological effects on her :(