Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some Holiday Cheer

Merry Christmas, Happy belated Hanukah, and for everything else or those who do not celebrate hope you are enjoying your break. So this anyone can reply to because it is a flat out opinion. Personally I do not mind it but I was wondering what everyone thought about how the biggest sales of the year are right after Thanks Giving, "Black Friday", and right after Christmas. What happens in the month of April, not too much but it seems like all sales are oriented around the Christmas activities. This may matter to some, others may not care, but I sure would like sales in May after I got my birthday money and I think it is not very fair :(!


Scott Silton said...

Dude, it's capitalism. It is perfectly fair. You can save your money for a sale, or spend it when you get it, if instant gratification is worth the premium you pay, which it apparently is (to you). No one is forcing you to pay full price.

William Chen said...

Landis, you should save your money then wait for the winter season. It has nothing to do with fairness when the big "sales" are held. It depends on how much you save and how strong-willed you are on not spending your savings till the winter season.

Anonymous said...

Ryan i dont mind at all about these sales cause my birthday is in mid nov so i just have to wait a few weeks and then i can spend.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately or unfortunately, it is of the American culture to have a day where people camp out and/or wake up at ungodly hours to "save a few bucks" by going out and spending money like crazy. I say spend money when you want to--is it really worth waiting six months so you can wake up at 4 and save 15 dollars on a jacket?

Shieva said...

well my bday is in june and there arent any real sales then either but if you think about it you get birthday money and spend it and then about 6 months later you get money again... so you always have presents year-round (well kinda unless you spend it all :). and actually im not sure if this really relates but this morning on the news they were talking about how the boston globe conducted a study about how good of deals are given on black friday and the result was that only 5 out 52 of the products had better deals on black friday... so dont think you are getting a better deal on certain items around thanksgiving/christmas time!