Thursday, January 31, 2008

And Then There Were Two

In case you missed it, the Democratic Debate in California was at 5 pm. The two candidates discussed a variety of things including health care, immigration, and the war on Iraq.
I thought the number of times each candidate mentioned Edwards was notable becuase both are desperately trying to claim is supporters. I was also happy that the candidates seemed civil and kind; there was no more finger pointing and husband backup-ing.
On whether or not the runner-up candidate would become a vice presidential candidate, I thought that was really, really awkward. Both candidates dodged around a concrete answer to the question which I believe is smart. Can you imagine Clinton and Obama running together? I can't - universal healthcare just doesn't seem to blend too well with any other plan.
But towards the end everything blurred together. They're both disdainful towards Bush's policies, they both want to help the uninsured, fix the immigrant problem, and a withdrawel of troops from Iraq.
And then I had an epiphany (well sort of). Fifty years ago, the Americans living in the houses that all looked alike would have probably never EVER forseen this: a black man and a woman running for president. In fact, about fifty years ago, many in the South were fighting Brown v Board of Edu, and other cases involving segregation and racism. And on the other side, women were regarded as the home makers whose function was to raise children and be homemakers.
All in all, as this was the last debate before Super Tuesdays, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who is still undecided or even apathetic to which democratic candidate wins. All I know is that there will be CHANGE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In terms of Clinton and Obama running together, I don't foresee it as something that's likely to happen (at this point, but who knows) b/c they seem to have a lot of hostility towards one another.
I think Edwards would make a much better running mate for that reason, but Hillary and Obama would probably be a "dream ticket" b/c they both represent so much change.

Overall though, it's really exciting to have such a competitive primary.