Friday, February 8, 2008

No more debates for Clinton?

After MSNBC anchor David Shuster made an inappropriate comment about Hillary Clinton "pimping" Chelsea Clinton out to celebrities by making her call them on her behalf, Hillary Clinton is considering never debating on MSNBC ever again. Clinton and Obama are scheduled for a debate February 26th before the Ohio Primary. Clinton's communications director, Howard Wolfson, believes that they will never debate on MSNBC ever again because Wolfson called Shuster's comments "beneath contempt."

Do you believe that this is a smart move for Clinton? It looks good for Hillary to back up her family and stand up for her daughter, but is missing out on debates that could potentially help her candidacy for president the right way to do it? What do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

It seems like a bad excuse to get out of a debate. I feel like she is overreacting to the comment. I also don't think that one person on MSMBC represents the entire network.

Kerina Chiu said...

I do not think it would be a good move for Clinton to never debate on MSNBC especially when the race is so close and MSNBC is a well-known network. I do not think Hillary should make this issue a part of her decision to participate. In the end, she's running for President; it depends on what her top priority is: running for president or protecting her family from such a trivial comment.

natalie g said...

I think this is a really bad idea. The debates are a critical part of deciding on which presidential candidate to choose, and help citizens see the true side of the candidates and their reactiosn to unexpected questions. This should only hurt Clinton, at least in my opinion. It would not help her campaign if she dropped out of the debate.

Ryan Landis said...

How many people watch MSNBC? But how many people read the article saying that Clinton will stand by her family and will not tolerate ridicule. Point taken, the amount of people who would have been effected by that debate, not to many because honestly how many are still undecided, was not as great as the amount of people who now see H. Clinton in a better way!

Anonymous said...

I think that clinton is afraid of the debates. she knows that she isnt as good of a public speaker as Obama, and therefore, she needed an excuse to miss the debates. when the comment was made, she was able to pretend that it offended greatly enough for her to boycott the debate. to me, it seems like the comment just served as a convenient excuse for her to miss the debate.