Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gun Control

State lawmakers across the country are ramping up efforts to pass new restrictions on guns, following nearly a decade in which state legislative efforts have been dominated by gun advocates. Much of the proposed legislation — some 38 states are considering gun-related bills — focuses on cutting off gun access to convicted criminals and the mentally ill and on improving methods to trace guns used in crimes. Hopefully states are going to be able to enforce gun related laws which would make it harder for many citizens to buy a gun. What I want to know is how come we keep waiting so long to propose bills to control who buys guns? Wouldn't this stop random gun shootings at schools or other places? If these bills are not passed are we ever going to see strict regulations of gun control?


Anonymous said...

Gun associations like the NRA argue that these gun laws stop people from legitimately owning a gun, which is a constitutional right.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we need to enfoce stricter gun control laws. Although criminals are likely to get guns illegally, having stricter gun laws will hopefully make it harder for kids to get guns and will also reinforce the message that guns are dangerous and using a gun has serious consequences (contrary to the message that many movies send). These stricter gun control laws will probably enrage the NRA, but members of the NRA and other gun associations need to understand the new laws wont make guns illegal, they will just be harder to obtain for criminals and the mentally ill; it does not necessarily restrict rifle shows or hunting.

Anonymous said...

Well one problem that could arise from these gun regulations is that it would interfere with the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Maybe it's taking so long because people don't want to deal with something as big as that.

Keith Chin said...

Well, I agree that there should be gun laws, but they should be laws that still allow legitimate people to buy and own guns. The problem is finding a solution that prevents the criminals from getting guns while simultaneously allowing normal citizens their right to own guns.

Derek Lee said...

I agree that the main problem is deciding who should be able to buy the guns. Some of the times those school shootings are caused by people who don't necessarily fit the "criminal" profile. Like Allen said, legislators need to be careful to not go against the second amendment.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Brian. I think that it has taken way too long for actual concrete gun laws to be created and enforced. We have heard of way too many drive by shootings, school shootings, etc. for people to really feel like their rights are being taken away if sticter rules (not completely restrictive rules) are put into place.

Paul Slack said...

A lot of times bills aren't proposed to control who buys guns because people think that they won't pass. But it is so hard to pass a gun-control bill because as Cheevers said, the right to bear arms is stated right in the 4th amendment. But my rebuttal is that there has been tons of legislation in the past that has made adjustments to the existing constitution and its amendments. Amendments and new bills are necessary as times change. Back in the late 1700's, crime was not as huge in the U.S. as it is now. There are so many different types of guns and so many more lethal weapons than during the time that the Constitution was created. Legislation should be created to adapt to the era that we are living in. And of course, any gun-control law will lower the rates of gun violence and crime in America because it would be much more difficult for criminals to get guns, and petty criminals would be completely discouraged from trying to obtain one. Eventually in the future, there will be a catastrophic event in the U.S. relating to gun violence, and that will trigger a movement for gun legislation. It's only a matter of time.

Genevieve Lau said...

Gun control laws will only legally bind people from obtaining guns. I'm sure there are plenty of illegal ways to obtain your weapon of choice.

Ellie said...

What do you guys think about this? Florida just passed a "take your guns to work law," that banned business owners from prohibiting their employees from keeping guns in their cars while at work, even though the workplace may be the owner's private property. Personally, I think it's insane. It could substantially increase the risk of workplace shootings.

Check out this story:

Annie C said...

I agree with Ellie. I don't see the real purpose in the law. Other than allowing people to have the right to carry their gun around with them, (which apparently is such a "dear" principle) I don't see how this would have any effect on anything. Initially I was thinking that it would deter crime by offering the threat of mutual destruction to potential criminals, but the guns are to remain "locked in motor vehicles". There's no use to a gun locked away in the car, unless you experience severe separation anxiety whenever separated from it...
It would surely cause more worries to the owner than anyone else.
Imagine having to lay someone with a bad temper off with the knowledge that their gun is waiting for them in their car...

Florida's just being absurd.

Oh! I know what it could be for! Shooting the alligator that's walking around outside! Nope.... you'd have to sprint past the alligator to get to the gun.........................

Kelsey said...

I think it is about time to enact stricter gun laws. we see the consequnces of our current gun laws with all the school shootings and random tragic gun-related acts. it is good that the state legislature is stepping up to make their state safer. hopefully these laws will reinforce the idea that guns are dangerous items that should be bought, sold and handled with extreme care. Guns need to be regulated because a gun in the hands of the wrong person can cause alot of damage to our soceity.

David C. said...

As citizens of the United States, we should all own guns. We should have TONS of guns. Enough to fill up an entire wall in our homes to display them. Seriously, you liberal-gun-control-sissies need to shove it up your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

No sarcasm. Seriously. None. I'm never sarcastic.