Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stem Cells

As many of you know, government funding of stem cells was greatly reduced in 2001 by the Bush administration. Companies were only allowed to do research on the less than 60 lines that were created before Bush's announcement.

But now that a new president will soon be elected in November 2008, stem cell funding from the government might be possible. Although the candidates (McCain, Clinton, and Obama) all have different views on this issues, they all believe in some relaxing on the restriction of stem cells. The Pew Forum has their exact views on this issue as well as their views on other topics.

I think that government funding of stem cells would be a great move. There is so much to be found in this field, even the possibility of curing cancer. Do you think the government should be involved in its funding? If not, do you even think stem cell research should continue?


Keith Chin said...

I see nothing wrong with allowing stem cell research, especially with the great advances it could bring to the world of science and medicine. The government should probably help in its funding so that we may more quickly discover new applications for stem cells.

natalie g said...

Although there are risks with stem cell research, i think they are worth taking. There should be some limits on how far researchers can go, but still it never hurts to experiment. A lot of great inventiosn were created by accident.